by Mark Xu | Jan 8, 2015 | Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, TCM

What is rosacea?
Rosacea is a condition where facial blood vessels enlarge. It can be recognized with the frequent flushing of the face that makes it look like you are constantly in mid-blush. The redness can also make it appear as though you’ve been sunburned, and red, lumpy spots show up looking very similar to acne. Sometimes the spots go away after a little bit and other times they take much longer to disappear. Depending on how bad the rosacea flares up, tiny blood vessels under the skin can become quite prominent. Symptoms can also cause discomfort with your eyes, including, burning, stinging, itchiness, dryness, sensitivity to light, and eyelid problems.
What causes rosacea to flare up?
Triggers can include alcohol, heat, sun, wind, exercise, hot drinks, spicy foods, skin care products, stress, anxiety, and even overuse of steroid cream. What causes your rosacea to flare-up, might not bother another person at all. With so many different types of triggers, it might be difficult to pinpoint exactly what is causing you difficulty. A helpful thing to do might be to keep a food/drink diary and track what you take in. That way, if you get a flare-up, you’re not wondering what exactly you ate that could have made you have a bad reaction.
When cleaning your face, try to stay away from everything that has alcohol, acetone, or witch hazel in it, as it can cause burning and irritation. Get rid of harsh cleansers. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing your face. This could irritate your skin and make you even more uncomfortable. Heat and pressure can also aggravate your sensitive skin. Be gentle with your skin, after all, you wouldn’t powerwash a puppy!
Skin prone to rosacea is apt to be more sensitive in different weather conditions. So applying a natural, gentle sunscreen daily and a moisturizer without chemicals is a good way to go.
Acupuncture for rosacea
One of traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture’s main jobs is to reduce chronic inflammation, so it can help greatly in reducing the signs of rosacea.
Acupuncture three main healing benefits. They are pain relief, reduction of inflammation, and restoration of homeostasis.
Acupuncture, for overall pain relief, works by unclogging a person’s qi (chee). Qi is really a person’s energy and all bodily fluids. So, if your energy, your hormones, blood, and any other healing fluids in your body are clogged up or you’re unable to produce the right amount, you slowly start to feel unwell. Over time it becomes worse and that’s when people develop painful conditions.
Sometimes you can even have too much qi (bodily fluids that you don’t need) and sometimes it’s the exact opposite and you have too little. Either one isn’t ideal. Acupuncture helps to get your qi flowing properly. The needles are like guideposts that qi follows to heal your body or to maintain your health. Pain and inflammation is a big sign of your qi not functioning properly. The key is to get it back on track.
If you’re worried because acupuncture sounds scary, take heart! It’s not that frightening!
Comment below if you have anymore questions about how Acupuncture can help with rosacea!
by Mark Xu | Jan 8, 2015 | Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, TCM

Menopause is usually confirmed when a woman misses her period naturally for 12 consecutive months. Some may think, “Yay! Freedom!” but unfortunately, menopause can come with a whole set of problems that one isn’t prepared for.
What age can you start menopause?
The average age for menopause is around fifty-one, though it can even occur around forty. Sometimes it can happen sooner if a woman’s had her ovaries removed.
What are the symptoms of menopause?
Symptoms of menopause can be very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. They can include flushing, sweating, changes in sexual drive, dryness, poor concentration and ‘mental fog,’ anxiety, sleepless nights, frequent urination, incontinence, urinary tract infections, skin and hair changes, and mood swings.
While each of these symptoms is uncomfortable, one of the most difficult ones to deal with can be depression. Women are most susceptible to depression during and around menopause due to hormone imbalances.
If you’re feeling an intense sadness, loss of interest in the things you normally love, or you withdraw from people that you usually enjoy being around, and symptoms like these have lasted more than two weeks, you could be suffering from major depression.
Estrogen levels play a large part in regulating brain functions, especially with the chemicals that influence the mood, such as serotonin and cortisol. Among the many unhealthy symptoms of too much cortisol is your tummy getting rounder and sleeping habits changing.
What can too much cortisol do? Check out this interesting blog post by Lissa Rankin that explains it quite thoroughly.
What can you do for menopause and menopausal related depression?
Well, taking medication is always an option, but not exactly one of the healthiest ones. Medications can make you develop symptoms that aggravate the issues you are already going through. Even regular painkillers have the potential to be hazardous to your health.
So, is there a way to reduce these distressing symptoms without resorting to something that’s going to harm you?
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine do not have the numerous complications that medications can provide, and fortunately you won’t overdose on it.
Working by boosting the production of endorphins, acupuncture and Chinese medicine have the happy talent of helping your body to manage all your symptoms to give you the relief you need.
Traditional Chinese beliefs consider depression a circulation problem. Qi (healing fluids and energy) isn’t moving around freely like it should.
Acupuncture addresses the mind, body, and spirit. If any of these three are out of order, the others can easily slip out of place making recovery quite difficult. Since acupuncture doesn’t just work as a Band-Aid to cover up a symptom of a deeper issue, it can have a lasting effect.
If you have any questions or are unsure if acupuncture could help you with what you are going through, please give us a call!
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by Mark Xu | Jan 8, 2015 | Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine

One of the most common things to do when you’re in pain is to pop an over the counter medicine. In all reality, these medicines aren’t very safe.
Acetaminophen even has an antidote for if you end up overdosing on the stuff. Scary. . .
Even at the doctor’s office, it’s a hit or miss when taking the medication. There are almost always some kind of side effect you are exposed to and that could lead to major discomfort. Chronic pain makes it necessary to get relief all the time. This makes your exposure to the side effects even more possible. Is there a way to get out of taking medications that might make you even sicker than before?
Acupuncture has very little side effects and the benefits can be massive.
It’s been reported that over a period of time with regular acupuncture, chronic pain subsides. No long-term side effects that could ruin other parts of your body or your mind.
How is this even possible and can it really help chronic pain?
As I wrote in this blog post “What is Acupuncture?” acupuncture has three main healing benefits.
- Pain relief
- Inflammation reduction
- Restoration of homeostasis
Inflammation is a big part of the body’s natural defense system and it works to protect our body. Unfortunately, inflammation can also be deadly to our bodies if they are left in that state for too long. That leads to chronic inflammation, which can be difficult to treat, since most inflammatory medications are targeted at a general level. Not to mention, as stated above, these medications can cause even more problems on top of the illness you might already be experiencing. Chronic inflammation can also lead to serious illness. Almost all chronic conditions have been linked to inflammation.
Here’s an interesting article about acupuncture’s anti-inflammatory effect. Check it out!
What does homeostasis have to do with staying healthy?
Homeostasis is the Greek word for “staying the same.” Our bodies are always working to stay regulated. Our heartbeat, respirations, blood glucose, blood pressure, and body temperature are some of the things that need regulating. But a lot of things can throw these different functions out of whack. Stress, alcohol, starvation, overeating, loss of sleep, are only a few. Personally, I can admit to being stressed, or occasionally going without food when I need it.
Some diseases that are a result from an imbalance are diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, gout, and most any other disease that is caused by toxins in the blood.
Acupuncture, for overall pain relief, works by unclogging a person’s qi (chee). Qi is really a person’s energy and all bodily fluids. So, if your energy, your hormones, blood, and any other healing fluids in your body are clogged up or you’re unable to produce the right amount, you slowly start to feel unwell. Over time it becomes worse and that’s when people develop painful conditions.
Sometimes you can even have too much qi (bodily fluids that you don’t need) and sometimes it’s the exact opposite and you have too little. Either one isn’t ideal.
Acupuncture helps to get your qi flowing properly. The needles are like guideposts that qi follows in your body, to heal or maintain your health.
Pain and inflammation is a big sign of your qi not functioning properly. The key is to get it back on track.
If you would like to learn more about pain relief and inflammation please contact our Memphis Acupuncture Clinic
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by Mark Xu | Jan 7, 2015 | Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Fertility, TCM

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 10% of women in the United States, at peak bearing ages, are unable to get pregnant or carry the child to full term. It’s quite a large problem in thousands of women’s lives. And not only for women, but men also, as a large number of them can also suffer from infertility.
Acupuncture is often used in treating infertility, even during western medical treatments such as IVF procedures. There are documented successes.
What can acupuncture really do for infertility?
Acupuncture isn’t a quick fix. We love getting what we want now. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but right now. But it’s important to remember that acupuncture works in a way that helps your body to produce the proper hormones and healing fluids. The goal with acupuncture is to get your body to start healing itself. Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at the health of your body as a whole, instead of treating only the symptoms. So you need to be committed to it.
Stress relief
Almost everyone can say that they’re under some kind of stress. Whether it be from work, school, or family no one is really immune to it. Chronic Stress can change your hormones, sending them spiraling out of order and causing a disorder known as Stress Induced Reproductive Dysfunction. Acupuncture can help combat and regulate the changes in your hormones due to stress, helping to promote a healthier body. Here are some tips on natural ways to relieve stress.
Hormonal changes
We talked a bit about hormones in the stress section, but I think it’s important to note that hormones can be flung out of balance by more than one thing. And unbalanced hormones can make fertility a big problem. What other things can cause hormone imbalances?
Soy: Though it’s sold as being healthy for us, soy contains phyto-estrogens. These chemicals fight with the hormones your body produces naturally, messing up the natural flow for men and women. Sarah C. Corriher wrote “In essence, the birth control pill is very similar to soy, because it provides estrogen in order to prevent pregnancy” in an article titled “Getting Pregnant, Curing Fertility, and Balancing Hormones”Obviously, if you’re trying to get pregnant, taking the pill is the last thing you want to do. And to make matters worse, most soy in the United States is genetically modified.
Tap water: It can contain pharmaceuticals, chlorine, lead, fluoride, arsenic, pesticides, and herbicides that have the potential to imbalance hormones.
Cosmetics: The chemicals in make-up, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, cologne, and lotion can do serious damage to how in balance you are. Even ones that say “all-natural” or “organic” have to be read over carefully. With cosmetics, if one ingredient used is organic, then they can label the entire bottle as such.
For further reading on hormones and infertility, I would suggest checking into Sarah’s awesome article!
Acupuncture can increase blood flow
Increased blood flow means improved circulation to the ovaries, which also means the ovaries have a better chance of producing healthier eggs. The chances of the uterus lining being strong enough to hold the eggs to full term are greatly increased if it has been supplied with a sufficient amount of blood.
Acupuncture decreases inflammation
If there is inflammation present in the pelvic organs, acupuncture is a good way to reduce or get rid of it. At the heart of many sicknesses is inflammation. Your body knows when something’s wrong and that is one way it tries to tell you.
Acupuncture can reduce anxiety that leads to unhealthy mindsets
It’s easy to see infertility as your fault and spiral into a mindset of blame and defeat. But that’s not the way to live. Blaming yourself, past choices, or your spouse doesn’t propagate a mindset that allows you to grow and reach past negative thoughts that cause stress and anxiety. Negative thoughts and anxiety drain you of energy and can also put more stress on you. Using acupuncture as a way to relax can help you see just how negative thought patterns are affecting your life and behavior. Surround yourself with positive people and stop following people who always spout off negativity. It can improve your mood and help lighten your thoughts.
A way to promote positivity is to create your own personal affirmations of success and wellness. Check out this post on how to write your own affirmations that suit your needs! How To Write Affirmations
Infertility is such a big opposition. It can be hard to know where to turn or what to do. You have the strength to get through this.
Keep in mind these four things:
- Surround yourself with supportive/positive people.
- Do your research. (Because knowledge is power)
- Be open to alternative methods.
- Change negative thought patterns to promote a healthy mind.
The road to wellbeing can sometimes be difficult. The key is to realize that you’re worth it and that giving up isn’t the answer!
Have you thought about acupuncture to treat infertility? Interested in Visiting our Memphis Acupuncture Clinic? Click to learn more
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by Mark Xu | Jan 7, 2015 | Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, TCM

Chinese Acupuncture: Medical Or Mystical?
I have always stayed away from acupuncture. I mean why would I willingly subject myself to being poked all over the body with needles? I was the one who tried to kick my doctor in the face because I was afraid he was going to give me one. The poor, frustrated man, was only trying to give me my sock, but when you’re five and at the doctor’s office anything is taken as a threat. So, I’ve stayed in the mindset of “Ain’t gonna happen if it’s needles” for years. How does one get out of that? Start working at the Xu Wellness Center, obviously!
Here I’ve learned that acupuncture isn’t a weird mystical practice like I was originally thought. Words like “qi” (pronounced chee) and “meridian channels” are grounded in common sense. “Qi” is defined as “life force.” It’s composed of healing bodily fluids. The “meridian channels” are pathways that run through the body carrying “qi” or blood and bodily fluids to all the body’s systems. The easiest way for me to remember that is thinking of the channels like rivers throughout the body. If you’re feeling well, then the rivers are flowing freely. If you’re sick, they’re blocked up like a beaver that’s built a dam in the middle of you’re local fishing spot. Even if the river’s flowing, it’s not moving at its optimal speed.
Does acupuncture hurt?
So the big question is, what do needles have to do with it? They stimulate the nervous system to produce the fluids that you need for healing. In other words, they unblock the dam and let your qi flow like it’s supposed to. These chemicals released in your body can also decrease pain. Fortunately for anyone who hates needles, like me, acupuncture needles aren’t scary like the regular ones at the doctor’s office. They’re not made with sharp points to slice into the skin, but instead have rounded tips that push the skin apart. No getting poked to death like a pin cushion! They are solid and very thin. While it’s possible you might feel a slight pinch (compared to that of a mosquito bite), often that doesn’t even occur.
Does acupuncture work?
Studies have shown that it does. Acupuncture is used for pain relief, reduction of inflammation (which is present in a large number of diseases), and restoration of homeostasis. Since these are its primary effects, it’s used in treating a wide range of ailments, including these:
Low back pain
Neck pain
Tennis elbow
Peptic Ulcers
Women’s reproductive health issues
Sports injuries
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cardiovascular disorders
Respiratory conditions
Urogenital disorders
Gynecological and obstetric disorders
Skin conditions
Eye conditions
Musculoskeletal disorders
Psychological conditions
How do I get started?
The best way to get started is to call and make an appointment.
Who is Dr. Xu? Dr. Mark Xu is a third generation practitioner of Oriental Medicine, who is licensed at both state and national levels for acupuncture and herbology. He grew up learning aspects of herbal formulation from his family at just ten years old. Dr. Xu continued to study Oriental Medicine in Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and graduated with honors.
How many treatments?
The length of treatment varies depending on the condition.
Does insurance cover acupuncture? We don’t accept insurance, but some insurance companies will reimburse you depending on your particular plan.
Acupuncture is about treating the body as a whole, not getting rid of only one symptom. If you’re unwell, in pain, feeling like nothing you’ve tried is working, or simply want stress relief, why don’t you give us a call? We’re always happy to talk with you about any questions you may have that weren’t addressed in this post! ~ Xu Wellness Team
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